“Bernardo won’t just be a letterer on your comic, he is a collaborator. It’s rare to work with someone that takes on a project and takes it personally while professionally offering notes to elevate your art. He deserves every penny.”
– Henry Barajas, writer / co-creator.
Release Date: November 2019
Format: Limited Series
Client: Top Cow / Henry Barajas
Publisher: Image Comics
Lettering samples from “La Voz de M.A.Y.O: Tata Rambo", a limited comic book series written by Henry Barajas, drawn by J. Gonzo, and edited by Claire Napier, inspired on the true story of activist Ramon Jaurigue. The comic had a successful Kickstarter campaigns during 2017 and 2018, and the three-issue limited series was published by Top Cow Productions during mid-2019, with a collected trade paperback released later in early 2020.
From the official production description:
“LA VOZ DE M.A.Y.O: TATA RAMBO is based on the oral history of Ramon Jaurigue, an orphan and WWII veteran who co-founded the Mexican, American, Yaqui, and Others (M.A.Y.O.) organization, which successfully lobbied the Tucson City Council to improve living and working conditions for members of the Pascua Yaqui tribe, paving the way to their federal recognition. Meanwhile, Ramon’s home life suffered as his focus was pulled from his family to the wider community, and from domesticity to the adrenaline of the campaign.”